I am from the flat land.

I am from where the concrete ends and the river starts.

I am from where you can only rely on which river bend to take to make it home.

I am from open sky and no mountains.

I am from birds whistling to the constant sound of the river flowing.

I am from having to walk backwards on only one main road to keep the sand out of your eyes, to the snow feeling as if it’s cutting flesh off your face.

I am from the sound of an echoing shotgun that reaches miles away, to the once hungry stomach now filled with delicious moose.

I am from the endless days where the Arctic Circle doesn’t protect us.

I am from once used to be a fort.

I am from strong people.

I am from where the mighty Yukon reunites my people.

I am from Gwichyaa Zhee.

I am from Fort Yukon


Gwich’in Starr