My name is CL. I am 57 years old and am oddly grateful to have come here. I have been here 9 days and will be back home in 3 days but am grateful to share my experience.

February has been a very strange, odd and terrifying month, especially since it is the shortest of the year. To start, I survived a heart attack on the 2nd and spent time in the ICU ward. Two weeks later I am in here on a bench warrant I was not aware of either, but I truly do believe that God brought me here.

Because of the depression, anxiety and fear of being alone has put upon me. Two of my daughters and grandson moved away three weeks ago. I am more aware of what was happening in my life, and how out of control it can be. An also how fast it can spin wildly without proper thought, praise and gratitude for the things I have taken for granted.

