07 / 24 / 24
Free Write
By Stars
I’m in a writing class. I’m a little frustrated because I’ve been asking my frother for a favor for two weeks and he still hasn’t done it. It’s hard to have patience because there is too much that happens sometimes and not enough time for my things apparently. I don’t have anyone’s help except my brother, but he forgets about me all the time and it’s bothersome. Other than that, I’m glad to spend time away from what I was doing. I was having enough of what was going on, which led me here, hopefully only for a few weeks. I should be fine because I may get the opportunities to bail thanks to my tribal council’s help. I want to do a lot better once I leave since I’ve had time to myself to think, and separated from temptations, could move forward to better pastures. I’ve tried before to get housing but did not have faith in the process or didn’t know what case managers do. But I’m now more informed in ways to become stale again and receive help. I’m very grateful for that. I can finally focus on myself and wish I knew I can get help like this a long time ago and have just been surviving off others for years. I’m happy that I won’t have interruptions in my path.
I never thought of the saying “taken for granted.” I thought it meant to not appreciate someone, not treat them like a rock. If I knew that I would have treated my dad differently cause he always told us kids he felt taken for “granite.” If I knew what it meant, maybe he would still be alive.
But other than that, I know now…after he’s dead it kind of hurts.