07 / 24 / 24
By Serena Peace
Hello, my word today is patience. I choose the word patience because it’s my last lesson from the Bible that I really learned. And I know I learned that lesson because I was anxious and nervous until I meditated and thought deeply about the word patience. Though I felt a difference in my feelings and heart, then I was brought back to a point of grateful and appreciation, of everything. Everything and everyone going on right now in my life. I read inspiration books and love reading them because they always have a transformation of some sort and a good ending. That is going on with me. Some days I get angry or sad, people are not up to my expectation and upon realizing I’m angry I reposition my thought and I’m like “hey, I’m angry, I need to stop and be grateful.” And so I go on from there and that point in life is very beneficial to me. And all the time I’ve been here and time I have left to do. I just think it is sincerely amazing I learned to do that and am practicing patience still today, now and forever. I love what I’ve learned from patience. I am so happy now.