09 / 25 / 24

by Serena Peace

I am writing on this word patience, because it is something I feel I really need to practice. I am here. I can’t change anything of what is going on in my life except my thinking right now. So now, because I want to put my skills into practice, I am a little happier because I am open about how I want to be mindful. This would include patience. There are so many little cliches, like “patience will get you in more places” “practice makes perfect” Umm…so now I’m working on patience again. I’m sure I’ve shared on this word before. And so it’s obviously important practice to me. If I do not practice patience then I get agitated, annoyed, sad or mad. So I become aware of my thinking by recognizing bad thoughts and saying to myself “hey, that’s really negative, I need to change my thinking into something positive,” Like: I am really grateful for everything around me now, and just like that: I’m moving into a positive aura. And so I also catch myself when I let myself down. Like “aww man” or “shit” and I stop myself from saying, but for now “just be patient God is still working on me.”