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I am from…
By Serena Peace

I am from God, in a land afar
Far, far north in a small town.
I learned everything I know now from there.
I am from my mother who I just buried 2 years ago. My mom, my one & only.
I am from my dad who taught me character and music, which I am now very good at.
I am from my Auntie & Uncle who taught me respect & discipline.
I am from my Inupiaq ancestors who instilled my beliefs.
I am from Jesus Christ who said I am that I am. The truth, the way, the life.
That is where I am from.

I am going to treatment soon.
I am going to get my mind from going crazy.
I am going to put my skills to use and be sober on the outs.
I am going to actually enjoy my life the way life was meant to be lived.
I am going to have fun doing it.
I am going to live the good life.