(responding to AK Senate Bill 91, 2017)
I have accepted I have time to do
no more trying to not get out early no
more short cuts I’m now ready to
move on get out of a facility
where one is expected to sleep
all day where rehabilitation is
nonexistent. We are suppose to be
bettering ourselves yet are given nothing
to do in that respect I am
ready to embrace edjucation and
things that can better my future
I wish to move to a facility that
encourages healthier living and gives
chances to reenter society ready
to be a contributing member rather
than a drain on resources. unappreciated.
I’ve lived in the same area for 15 years
and the people I know are my neighbors
my friends my acquaintances. They are also almost
all felons. Something I didn’t know until I myself
became one. People who should not be felons
are becoming them because of a mistake
made. This Bill is to help those who made
a mistake get back into society by
rehabilitiation treatment or second chances.
Being a felon does not define us any more it
allows our actions to define us not our
past or our mistakes. It gives us a
chance to be more than our past.