Daydreaming Ladybug

I am two wakeups away from going to Old Minto Family Recovery Camp. After 4 and ½ months of being here at Fairbanks Correctional Center, the judge approved me last week to be released on O.R. Wednesday morning to catch the boat to Old Minto.

I’ll be there for 35 days (5 weeks), my children have the option available to meet me there/come out also after my 1st week in camp. So far I only am pretty sure my two babies Kayden 2 yrs. Old, and Wendee 1 year old will come out for the whole time. My older girls may come out, Payton 10 yrs old & Reagan who is 9 yrs old ½ way through, they need time with Matt without the babies to reconnect. In AA a woman once spoke of the “collateral damage” alcoholism using has on your life & my family has unfortunately experienced this. I’m looking forward to learning how to help my kids recover from the damages I’ve created & am open to the process of it all. I ask God to open my eyes & ears so I’m available to take it all in. Feeling Grateful.