07 / 24 / 24

Free Write
By Qshiesty

Today has nine days since I been in here. Days are getting longer but easier. I know there not a place where I should be right now except here. I finally accepted where I’m at. I know this is for the best because about a week ago I didn’t like where my life was going. I didn’t know who I was, who I wanted to be or even what I was doing with my life. I surrounded myself with people who didn’t have no life goals, no ambitions, not even people who looked forward on tomorrow. I know I heading down a dark path where I knew I was gonna get myself out as strange as I am. I know I couldn’t pull myself out. So being in here today these nine days I have been in here I know God himself saved me or it could be my angels above always watching over. I grew up Christian and always following God. Others looked at me and see that I don’t believe in anything. Maybe that’s true because my life hasn’t been so great, but one thing I know for sure: that I’m BLESSED. So now these days the next coming days I’m gonna learn calmness, patience, peace, forgiveness. I haven’t been so easy on myself with that forgiveness. Forgiving myself but today I will learn that and the next coming days I will forgive because my sisters and everything say God forgives.